Congratulations to the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Team of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Trisakti, who successfully got the first best predicate in the Information Systems and IoT category. This award was obtained at the national dissemination event of the Program Karya Inovasi Laboran (KILab) organized by Direktorat Sumber Daya Kemdiktisaintek on November 28-30, 2024. This dissemination event aims to present the output results achieved by the participants of the KILab Program.
Quoting from the social media of Kemdiktisaintek, KILab is a program that aims to provide additional competencies for education personnel, especially Educational Laboratory Assistants (PLP) or laboratory assistants, to innovate in order to improve their competencies and character in developing their profession. This program is also expected to create an innovative atmosphere in higher education.
The outputs of the KILab program include equipment prototypes, accessories, laboratory information systems, application of digital technology, artificial intelligence, improvement of tool/material performance, publication in the form of anthologies, and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). The 2024 KILab program was attended by 96 participants from various universities in Indonesia, and lasted for three months, from August to October 2024. The results of the laboratory team’s innovations are grouped into 4 categories, namely Technology Engineering, Science, Health, and Information Systems and IoT.
The Mechanical Engineering Department sent a team consisting of three laboratory assistants representing the Industrial Control and Automation Laboratory, namely:
- Alief Muharram Mustajab, S.Tr.T. (team leader)
- F.X. Sugeng Riyanto, S.T. (member)
- Ahmad Bukhari Muslim, A.Md., S.T. (member)
This team was accompanied by a supervising lecturer, Dr. Sentot Novianto, A.Md., S.T., M.T.
The tool developed by the team in Program Karya Inovasi Laboran 2024 is entitled “Prototype of Goods Moving Equipment with a Pneumatic System Using an Arduino Microcontroller”. This tool is a pneumatic practicum trainer whose movements are controlled by Arduino, a microcontroller that is currently quite popular and widely used. The team hopes that this prototype can support the learning process, especially in practicum activities in the Industrial Control and Automation Laboratory.
Hopefully, this achievement will be the first step to continue to innovate and make a meaningful contribution to the development of science, while increasing the existence of Universitas Trisakti at the national level and becoming an inspiration for the academic world and society.
Special thanks to:
- Kemdikbudristek, as the organizer of Program Hibah Karya Inovasi Laboran 2024.
- Institution of Research and Community Services (LPPM) Universitas Trisakti, which has provided direction and support during the implementation of Program Karya Inovasi Laboran 2024.
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