Dr. Sentot Novianto, A.Md., S.T., M.T.

Profil Dosen

Bidang Keahlian

Teknik Mesin – Konversi Energi

Riwayat Pendidikan

  • Sarjana (S-1)
    Univ. Indonesia, Teknik Mesin
  • Magister (S-2)
    Univ. Indonesia, Teknik Mesin (Konversi Energi)
  • Doktor (S-3)
    Univ. Indonesia, Teknik Mesin (Konversi Energi)

Science and Technology Index (Sinta)

Daftar Publikasi

1. Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

12021Detection of Water Levels in Sewering Channels as Flood Disaster Early Warning System
22022Pembuatan Aerator Dengan Menggunakan Tenaga Surya Untuk Pemeliharaan Ikan Pada Kolam Ukuran Kecil
32022Perbaikan Rancangan Mekanisme Pengunci Kotak Cetakan Busa Jok Sepeda Motor
42023Automatic Machine of Distributed Fish Feed Based on Arduino Uno


2. Prosiding Jurnal Nasional

No.TahunJudul Nama Konferensi
12018Pengujian Kinerja Cooling Tower Dengan Variasi Waktu Pengujian di Laboraturium Thermodinamika Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi TexmacoSeminar Nasional Cendekiawan ke-4
22022Analisa Efisiensi Penggunaan AC Split dan Air Handling Unit (AHU) dengan Perhitungan Beban Pendingin Metode CLTD pada Ruang Pengemasan Yoghurt Di PT. XSeminar Nasional Tahunan Teknik Mesin XX


3. Jurnal Nasional

No.TahunJudul Nama Jurnal
12018Analisa Aliran Fluida (Fully Developed Flow) Pada Pipa Circular Dengan Menggunakan CFD FluentFlywheel: Jurnal Teknik Mesin Untirta
22022Rancang Bangun Thermobath Untuk Kalibrasi Suhu Dengan Termokopel Tipe-K Menggunakan Refrigeran HFC-134Aplikasi Mekanika & Energi
32022Design and Manufacture a Thermobath Measurement System as a Temperature Calibration Tool with Arduino Uno SystemJurnal Asiimetrik: Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Dan Inovasi
42023Designing, Manufacturing, and Testing of 50 Wp Solar Panel Monitor Equipment Using Arduino and Internet of ThingsJournal of Earth Energy Science, Engineering, and Technology
52024Study Characteristic Thermal Electric Generator (TEG) Type SP1848 27145 SAJurnal Asiimetrik: Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Dan Inovasi
62024The Effect of Heat Flux on the Frequency of Bubble Appearance in a Boiling PoolJurnal Asiimetrik: Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Dan Inovasi


4. Prosiding Jurnal Internasional

No.TahunJudulNama Konferensi
12015Prediction of the Optimized Frictional Pressure Drop in a Two-phase Flow Small Channel with Genetic AlgorithmThe 7th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE) – 2015
22015Modeling of the Minimized Two-Phase Frictional Pressure Drop in a Small Tube with Different Correlations1st ICRIL-International on Innovation in Science and Technology (lICIST) – 2015
32016Effect of Superficial Velocity on Vaporization Pressure Drop with Propane in Horizontal Circular TubeThe 7th International Conference on Thermofluids (THERMOFLUID) – 2015
42017Analysis of the Two-Phase Heat Transfer Coefficient of Propane in a Small ChannelThe 8th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE) – 2016
52017Investigation of Compatibility of The Heat Transfer Coefficient Correlations for Macro and Mini ChannelsThe 8th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE) – 2016
62018Heat Transfer Coefficient of Near Boiling Single Phase Flow with Propane in Horizontal Circular Micro Channel2nd International Tropical Renewable Energy Conference (i-TREC) – 2017
72018Two-phase Frictional Pressure Drop of Propane with Prediction Methods of Viscosity and Density in 500 µm Diameter TubeQuality in Research: International Symposium on Materials, Metallurgy, and Chemical Engineering (QIR) – 2017
82019Heat Transfer of Single Phase Flow with Natural Refrigerant (R-290) in MicrochannelThe 10th International Meeting of Advances in Thermofluids (IMAT) – 2018
92020Organic Rankine Cycle System with Small Tube Using Iso-butane Propane Mixture RefrigerantThe 4th International Tropical Renewable Energy Conference (i-TREC) – 2019
102020Heat Transfer Coefficient on Two-phase Flow in Small Tube with Propane Iso- butane Mixture RefrigerantQuality in Research: International Symposium on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (QIR) – 2019
112023Modeling of 3-Axis Direction Motorcycle Parking System with Micro Controller ATmega 2560International Conference on Mechanical Engineering for Emerging Technologies (ICOMEET) – 2021


5. Jurnal Internasional

No.TahunJudulNama Jurnal
12016Characteristic of Two-phase Flow Pressure Drop of Propane in Horizontal Circular Small TubeApplied Mechanic and Materials
22016Optimization of The Friction Factor and Frictional Pressure Drop of R-22 and R-290International Journal of Technology
32016Void Fraction of Flow Boiling with Propane in Circular Horizontal TubeInternational Journal of Technology
42016Investigation on Void Fraction for Two-phase Flow Pressure Drop of Evaporative R-290 in Horizontal TubeJurnal Teknologi
52016Modeling of The Minimized Two-phase Flow Frictional Pressure Drop in A Small Tube with Different CorrelationsJurnal Teknologi
62017Effect of Liquid Reynolds Number on Pressure Drop of Evaporative R-290 in 500 µm Circular TubeInternational Journal of Technology
72019Analysis of Temperature and Heat Measurement on Two-phase Flow Nucleate Boiling with R-290 in MicrochannelJournal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
82020Heat Transfer Coefficient Characteristic Study of Natural Refrigerant with Substitute for R-134aEngineering Journal
92020Flow Pattern of Two-phase Flow Boiling with Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Using Natural Refrigerant (Propane) in MicrochannelEvergreen Journal
102020Intermittent Flow Pattern on Two-phase Flow Boiling with Horizontal MicrochannelEvergreen Journal
112020Characteristics of Air Flow and Heat Transfer in Serpentine Condenser Pipes with Attached Convection Plates in Open ChannelInternational Journal of Technology
122020Smart Temperature Measurement System for Milling Process Application Based on MLX90614 Infrared Thermometer Sensor with ArduinoJournal of Advanced Research in Applied Mechanics
132021Automatic Temperature Measurement and Monitoring System for Milling Process of AA6041 Aluminum Aloy using MLX90614 Infrared Thermometer Sensor with ArduinoJournal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences
142023Two-phase Heat Transfer Microchannel System Identification With Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) ApproachInternational Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration


6. Berita

12023Inovasi Teknologi Alat Penebar Pakan Ikan Automatis Dalam Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
22024Kalahkan 20 negara lainnya, mahasiswa Indonesia berhasil raih medali emas di Thailand Inventors Day 2024 (as Supervisor)
32024Pelatihan Penggerak Motor Pada Robotik Dalam Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat di Pondok Pesantren IKADI Tegal Waru Purwakarta



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