Dr. Ir. Triyono, M.Sc.

Profil Dosen

Bidang Keahlian

Teknik Mesin – Proses Produksi Pemesinan

Riwayat Pendidikan

  • Sarjana (S-1)
    Univ. Trisakti, Teknik Mesin
  • Magister (S-2)
    Institut Teknologi Bandung, Teknik Mesin (Manufaktur)
  • Doktor (S-3)
    Univ. Indonesia, Teknik Mesin (Manufaktur)

Science and Technology Index (Sinta)

Daftar Publikasi

  1. Effects of Addition of Flux to Dielectric Fluid on Thickness and White Layer Hardness in Machining of SKD11 with Electrical Discharge Machining
  2. Experimental Study of Thermoacoustic Cooling With Parallel-Plate Stack In Different Distances
  3. Integrated CAD Customization System for Fused Deposition Models in Additive Manufacture with 3D Printing Machine
  4. Pengaruh Putaran Elektroda EDM-Mikro Terhadap Ketirusan Lubang pada Penggurdian Baja SKD 61
  5. Preface: 1st International Seminar on Advances in Metallurgy and Materials (i-SENAMM 2019)
  6. Photos: 1st International Seminar on Advances in Metallurgy and Materials (i-SENAMM 2019)


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