Bidang Keahlian
Teknik Mesin – Proses Produksi Pembentukan & Material
Riwayat Pendidikan
- Sarjana (S-1)
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Teknik Mesin & Material - Doktor (S-3)
McMaster University, Canada, Teknik Material
Science and Technology Index (Sinta)
Daftar Publikasi
- Penyuluhan Bahaya Banjir terhadap Kelistrikan dan Korosi Peralatan Elektronika Rumah Tangga
- Analisis Keberhasilan Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknologi Industri Universitas Trisakti
- Effect of Cooling Rate and Aging Duration on Microstructure of Tin-Copper Solder Joint
- Finite element analysis of multidirectional forging dies for severe plastic deformation of magnesium alloy
- Analisis Akar Masalah Kegagalan Cacat Retak (Crack) pada Proses Pembentukan Tempa Dingin (Cold Forming) Mur M14
- Characterization of Zr60Cu25Ni5Al10 amorphous alloy
- Design and process plan of hydroforming casing patch using virtual manufacturing method
- Pengaruh Kuat Arus Listrik Pengelasan Terhadap Kekerasan Lapisan Lasan Pada Baja ASTM 316
- Preface: 1st International Seminar on Advances in Metallurgy and Materials (i-SENAMM 2019)
- Photos: 1st International Seminar on Advances in Metallurgy and Materials (i-SENAMM 2019)
- Effect of Heat Treatment on The Corrosion Rate of S45C Steel
- Physical Aging of Zr65Cu17. 5Ni10Al7. 5 Glassy Alloy
- Thermal Behaviour of Zr65Cu17. 5Ni10Al7. 5 Glassy Alloy
- Pengenalan Material dan Karakterisasinya Bagi Masyarakat Industri
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