Ir. Daisman Purnomo Bayyu Aji, S.T., Ph.D.

Profil Dosen

Bidang Keahlian

Teknik Mesin – Proses Produksi Pembentukan & Material

Riwayat Pendidikan

  • Sarjana (S-1)
    Institut Teknologi Bandung, Teknik Mesin & Material
  • Doktor (S-3)
    McMaster University, Canada, Teknik Material

Science and Technology Index (Sinta)

Daftar Publikasi

  1. Penyuluhan Bahaya Banjir terhadap Kelistrikan dan Korosi Peralatan Elektronika Rumah Tangga
  2. Analisis Keberhasilan Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknologi Industri Universitas Trisakti
  3. Effect of Cooling Rate and Aging Duration on Microstructure of Tin-Copper Solder Joint
  4. Finite element analysis of multidirectional forging dies for severe plastic deformation of magnesium alloy
  5. Analisis Akar Masalah Kegagalan Cacat Retak (Crack) pada Proses Pembentukan Tempa Dingin (Cold Forming) Mur M14
  6. Characterization of Zr60Cu25Ni5Al10 amorphous alloy
  7. Design and process plan of hydroforming casing patch using virtual manufacturing method
  8. Pengaruh Kuat Arus Listrik Pengelasan Terhadap Kekerasan Lapisan Lasan Pada Baja ASTM 316
  9. Preface: 1st International Seminar on Advances in Metallurgy and Materials (i-SENAMM 2019)
  10. Photos: 1st International Seminar on Advances in Metallurgy and Materials (i-SENAMM 2019)
  11. Effect of Heat Treatment on The Corrosion Rate of S45C Steel
  12. Physical Aging of Zr65Cu17. 5Ni10Al7. 5 Glassy Alloy
  13. Thermal Behaviour of Zr65Cu17. 5Ni10Al7. 5 Glassy Alloy
  14. Pengenalan Material dan Karakterisasinya Bagi Masyarakat Industri


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